Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What am I thinking?

When you met this one girl that make you feel the butterflies fluttering in your tummy, make you feel shy and overjoyed to be at her presence what does this mean? You change all your ways just to be perfect for her is it silly? Does love really exist? What does love feels like? This are all the question that been running thru my mind this past few week... What does a kiss meant to a girl? Especially when you guys are in a complicated relationship, what does its mean when suddenly she was so into you? She giggles at all your jokes and tease you..... Picture this "you and you special someone was watching movie together in her room.... And suddenly you guys was happily chatting away and sharing each others story about your life and suddenly both of your eyes are caught together and you slowly move in to kiss her... You lips lock for 5sec and you stop n stare deep into her "window to her soul" and she started to slowly move in and kiss you and as things get hotter you start French kissing..... Then you guys both stop and that is the blushing face and shy feeling in your heart that is warmer than global warming....then you say it's better that u go back to your room and she say she will contact u thru wechat...... But from that day onward she start giving you cold shoulder that is colder than the Russian winter..... "I start to wonder to myself when will I know how to read girls like a book? When can I know what does all this mean?" I'm really at my wits end to find out what have happen between us, y does she avoiding and pushing me a away..... I hope everything will be better for us soon.....!

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